Find out where to start your job search and what the differences between full-time, part-time and casual work are.
any international students seek part-time or casual work while they study in Australia.
The extra spending money to support your living experience can help you discover this wonderful country and meet other students in your local community. It's also a great way to build your confidence and make new friends.
While there are benefits to having employment while you study, there are two things you must do:
Student visa work restrictions were relaxed throughout the pandemic, and temporarily removed in January 2022. This temporary arrangement will end on 30 June 2023.From 1 July 2023, the number of work hours allowed during study terms and semesters will be capped at the increased amount of 48 hours per fortnight, during study terms and semesters.This ensures that student visa holders can focus on their learning in Australia, but also take up paid employment and gain valuable work experience while they study. To check your visa rules, visit the Department of Home Affairs website.
In Australia, the best way to look for part-time or casual work are through job listing sites such as:
The Developing Employability Student Starter Kit can help you take control of your employability and professional development.
In Australia, an employee could be hired in a full-time, part-time or casual role. Each of these types of employment have varying pay rates, hours of work and entitlements.
Full-time employees
As a full-time Australian employee, you would:
As a part-time employee, you would:
As a casual employee, you would:
For an overview of each type of employment and its entitlements, visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website.