Agriculture and Environmental Science

Agriculture and Environmental Science

Gain knowledge about global, regional and local issues from food production and farming, to food security and maintaining a safe and balanced natural environment.

What is agriculture and environmental science?

Studying in this field you will gain knowledge about global, regional and local issues from food production and farming, to food security and maintaining a safe and balanced natural environment.

Inside the agriculture and environmental science field of study, you can learn the theory and practice of:

What are my course options?

VET courses offer practical programs, which will help you to become job-ready. They also provide a pathway to further undergraduate study. In VET courses you can learn skills in animal handling, farm management, landscaping, aquaculture and soil testing.


An undergraduate degree in this field will generally fall under a science or business based program. You will be able to choose to specialise in areas you are interested in such as crop science, animal genetics and sustainable agriculture.


Postgraduate and research degrees will provide you with expert knowledge in an area of your choice. A Master in Environmental Science is a common postgraduate degree in this field.

What could my future look like?

Australia’s diverse and natural environment is recognised around the world and is the perfect landscape to gain expert knowledge and experience in the field. Gaining qualified skills from some of the industry’s leading professors is recognised by organisations such as GrainCorp, Prensa and Devondale Murray Goulburn.

Did you know… As of August 2019, only 318,600 people were employed in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries in Australia. This accounted for approximately 2.5 per cent of the national workforce. This is a booming industry and requires skilled professionals to be able to cater to a growing workforce demand.