Living and education costs

Living costs

Knowing the average living costs in Australia is an important part of your financial preparation. To get a better idea, check out Australia’s Cost of Living Calculator -

The tool is designed to help you estimate how much it could cost to have the lifestyle you choose in Australia. You can compare accommodation arrangements, transportation options as well as other lifestyle choices.

The costs provided are an approximate guide only. The Cost of Living Calculator is designed to help you think about how you spend money and to give you a broad estimate of potential costs in Australia.

Education costs

Tuition fees for international students vary across cities and programs. Students should also be aware that the cost of studying in Australia will depend on:

Your education provider

Visa requirements

The Department of Home Affairs has financial requirements you must meet in order to receive a student visa for Australia.

Refer to the step by step Student Visa Subclass 500 application for details on how to provide the evidence required to cover the costs of your stay, including your travel, study and living expenses.