English Courses

English Courses

Learning English in Australia entails far more than simply memorising words in a classroom. Our teaching method emphasises critical thinking, as well as group and project work based on real-life experiences, so you will not only learn the language, but also how to use it in everyday situations.

By studying English in Australia, you will gain a wide range of life skills that you will not be able to obtain at home. Problem-solving, team leadership, and applying English to real-world problems are all vital skills that you will use for the rest of your life. With a multicultural mix of pupils in our educational facilities, you will learn the language of the world in a truly international setting.

The English language instruction is constantly of high quality, regardless of where you study or what course you pick. You may be confident that you're receiving the best English education possible thanks to obligatory national standards and a robust, industry-led quality assurance structure (see NEAS QA structure).

Types of English training

Australia offers a range of English courses to suit a range of study needs. There are a range of English language testing organizations whose results are recognized in Australia and around the world.

Your goal

To improve general proficiency to access higher level courses; to improve your English for everyday use; to improve your English for travel; to improve your English for work purposes or to do casual work in an English speaking country

Course description Focusing on communication skills with emphasis on speaking and listening

English for Academic Purposes

Your goal You want to study in an Australian school, vocational college or university

Course description Preparing you for study at an English-speaking university, higher education or vocational institute

English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

Your goal You want to learn the spoken and written English needed for a specific context and perhaps want to consider an internship

Course description Focusing on practical English for specific course areas such as business, aviation or tourism

Examination Preparation

Your goal You plan to take an exam such as IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, or the Cambridge First Certificate

Course description Preparing you for English language proficiency examinations

English for Teaching

Your goal You want to teach English in schools in your own country

Course description These courses include TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, EfTC (English for Teaching Children.)

Study Tours

Your goal You want to have a short holiday, study English and have fun or study English and undertake work related training

Course description These courses are a combination of General English with sporting, social, tourist, cultural or professional training activities.

Quality Assurance

Australia has national regulatory and quality agencies for international education – the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) and the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). They were established by the Australian Government to monitor quality, and regulate university and non-university education providers against a set of independently developed standards to regulate courses and education and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met. These two bodies share responsibility for monitoring national standards for English language colleges.

In addition, the following student rights are protected by law under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS):

English Australia

English Australia is the national peak body for the English language sector of international education in Australia. English Australia represents over 100 member colleges throughout Australia that provide quality English language programs to students and professionals from around the world.

English Australia’s focus is on:


NEAS is the Global Leader in Quality Assurance for the English Language Teaching Community.

NEAS quality assures more than 200 members in Australia, ASEAN, China and the Middle East. As an independent, non-governmental, quality assurance specialist for the English language teaching (ELT) community, NEAS endorses ELT centres and courses in universities, high schools, VET, independent and online providers. NEAS also quality assures education agents, products and services and ELT professionals

English language testing providers

While education providers set their own English language requirements for course entry, the English proficiency score needed for your course may be different to the score needed to secure your visa. You should check entry requirements for both your visa application and your course application. Find out more about the most widely accepted English language testing providers.